Constitution and By Laws

Constitution And By-Laws of Student League for Academic Advancement & Progress (SLAAP) PREAMBLE We, the officers and members of the Student League for Academic Advancement and Progress, imploring the aid of the Almighty God, in order to help in the upliftment of the general welfare of the whole studentry of MSU- Main Campus, assume a role in academic advancement and progress as an active, supportive and catalytic partner of the university in formulating programs, projects, strategies and other initiatives that ultimately lead the students to achieve effective, academically-advanced, interactive with the faculty members, progressive, socially-aware and most of all, God-abiding and morally upright sector of the university and in the Philippine society as a whole, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws. ARTICLE I NAME AND LOGO Section1. Name The organization shall be known as the Student League for Academic Advancement and Progress hereinafter referred to as SLAAP. Section2. Logo The official logo of the League shall be a black rectangular box with white borders and the names Student League for Academic written in white print at the uppermost portion and Advancement and Progress at the lowermost portion within the box. A torch which symbolizes the enlightenment that emanates from the continuous search for academic excellence is at the center of the globe which represents the universality of the league’s ideals and aspirations and the bookstand which represents knowledge and wisdom. ARTICLE II NATURE SLAAP shall be an academic, non-partisan group of baccalaureate degree students organized and based in MSU- Main Campus which subscribe to the declaration of principles, objectives and mandate of SLAAP. ARTICLE III DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES Section1. The League is founded on the following objectives: (1) To serve as a catalyst for academic advancement and progress; (2) To promote camaraderie and harmony among students; (3) To promote mutual interaction among the students, staff and faculty members; and (4) To serve as a supporting and implementing arm to all academic organization in this institution. Section2. In the realization of its objectives, the members of the SLAAP shall be committed to: (1) The rule of law; (2) Consultative, participatory and democratic attitude; (3) Service for academic advancement and progress; (4) The strengthening of the rapport of the members of the League, camaraderie and harmony; and (5) Total development of the person as a Filipino youth. ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP Section1. A member of SLAAP, otherwise known as CHAP, is an individual affiliated to the League. S/He can be a regular or an honorary member. Section2. Application for Membership (1) The league shall adopt its own Screening Process’ General Guidelines which encompasses all matters related to the application for membership. (2) Any individual is encouraged to apply and be a regular member of the league provided however that s/he met the qualifications and standards duly set by the Chap Assembly in the SLAAP Screening Process’ Guidelines. (3) The shall have a sole authority to grant honorary membership to any individual, i.e. there is no applicant for honorary membership. Section3. A regular member: (1) is an individual who underwent the rigors of the screening process an is duly accepted through the ceremonial acceptance. (2) can either be active or inactive; (a) An active member is a member who goes to the regular meetings at least twice a week, attends major activities sponsored by the League and who pays the monthly dues (Php10 per month). (b) An inactive member is a member who does not go to the regular meetings for nine (9) consecutive times within a semester or for a given month attends less than four (4) regular meetings and does not pay the monthly due promptly and regularly. 3) enjoys these privileges to wit: (a) to be called as a CHAP, a French term which means a “good friend”. In addition, the word chap stands for Camaraderie, Harmony, Academic-Advancement and Progress- the four pillars of the League; (b) to perform the SLAAP clap with fellow chaps during SLAAP meetings and whenever necessary; (c) to perform the SLAAP handshake only with fellow chaps for the purposes of recognition, camaraderie and harmony; (d) to be present in all meetings of the Chap Assembly; to participate in the deliberation and decision-making; (e) to avail oneself of the services of the League; (f) to vote, and if qualified for a position, to be voted upon; (g) to use the facilities of the League; (h) to initiate recall or impeachment proceedings against any elected officers and termination case against a fellow member; (i) to avail such right and privileges as may be prescribed by this Constitution and By-Laws and the Internal House Rules and Procedure of the League; (j) to have access to all information about the status and activities of the organization. (4) shall have the following duties and obligations: (a) to regularly attend and actively participate in activities of the organization; to implement all policies decision laid down by the collective leadership of the organization; (b) to promote unity, safeguard the integrity and security of the organization; (c) to pay monthly dues promptly and regularly; (d) to recruit prospective members subject to the policies of the organization; (e) to regularly make assessments, summing up and planning in the respective committees; (f) to propagate by word and by deed the principles, objectives and programs of the League; and (g) to conduct oneself in a manner befitting as a member of the League. Section4. An honorary member: (1) is a graduate of any baccalaureate degree who have contributed enormously to the furtherance of the ideals, values and objectives of the League. (2) is, by virtue of the powers of the Chap Assembly through a resolution, an individual being granted such title. (3) enjoys the same privileges and responsibilities stipulated for a regular member except that they are not compelled to attend the regular meetings. (4) should not be an adviser of any organization which has the same nature to the league. Section5. Oath of Membership Every individual, after acceptance for membership, shall recite the following oath: I____________________ do solemnly swear to uphold and promote the constitution, principles and programs of SLAAP and be a committed participant to all its activities. I further pledge to promote Camaraderie, Harmony, Academic-Advancement and Progress, uphold the security and integrity of the League, diligently fulfilling my duties and obligations and in the course of enjoying my rights, to uphold and protect the rights of my fellow chaps, So, HELP ME GOD. Section6. The monthly dues of members is Php10.00 unless modified by the Chap Assembly through a resolution. Section7. Resignation from Membership (1) Members can denounce their membership only through a resignation letter duly signed by the party involved, addressed to the president and shall furnish copies to the secretary of the League and Membership and Organizing Committee (MOC). (2) The Chap Assembly has the prerogative to accept or reject the resignation of the chap concerned after a thorough a deliberation. ARTICLE V CHAP ASSEMBLY Section1. The Chap Assembly shall be the highest policy-making body of SLAAP. It shall be composed of the officers and active members of the League. Section2. Duties and Powers The Chap Assembly shall have the following duties and powers: (1) to ratify and amend the constitution of SLAAP: (2) to adopt the general program, annual workplan and budget; (3) to elect the officers of the League, the president, internal and external vice-presidents, secretary, treasurer, auditor and property custodian. (4) to receive the reports, review the decisions and actions of the Officers of the League; (5) to review and revise the orientation, principles and aims of the League. (6) to decide on deliberations and other decision-making activities; (7) to establish linkages to different academic and semi-academic organizations for collaborative efforts towards student development; (8) to appropriate and administer its own funds; (9) to create such other bodies or committees as it may deem necessary to effectively carry out programs and initiatives; (10) to discuss and decide vital issues affecting the League; (11) to formulate policies and perform such acts as may be necessary for the attainment of the goals and objectives of SLAAP in accordance with this Constitution and By-Laws. Section3. Meetings (1) The Officers of the League shall regularly call the Chap Assembly thrice a week (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4:30 pm in the A.Isidro Hall Lobby) (2) A special Chap Assembly which shall be composed of members of the previous regular session may be convened upon two-thirds (2/3) votes of the officers of the League if deemed necessary, and when it is demanded by the simple majority (50% plus one) of the active members. Section4. Quorum A simple majority (50% plus one) of the total number of the active chaps who are present at the time of the roll call shall constitute a quorum.. ARTICLE VI OFFICERS OF THE LEAGUE Section1. The officers of the League shall exercise the principle of shared powers and shared responsibilities. Section2. The officers of the League shall have the power to review the current work and situation of the organization and to set the annual work plan and budget or the program of action. Lastly it shall have the authority to formulate policies in accordance with the SLAAP principles and objectives, consistent with the SLAAP Constitution and By- Laws and subject to review by the Chap Assembly. Section3. It shall be composed of the officers elected by the Chap Assembly namely: president, external & internal vice-presidents, secretary, treasurer, auditor and property custodian. Section4. Election of officers to be presided by the incumbent president or the next higher official in the absence of the former shall be held annually every last regular meeting of the Chap Assembly immediately on the closing of every academic year of the university. The first regular meeting of the Chap Assembly shall be determined before the closing of the preceding academic year. Section5. The Officers shall meet regularly on every first Wednesday of the month and special meetings whenever two-thirds (2/3) of the officers demands. Section6. The President (1) S/He shall be the chief executive of the League. As such, s/he shall: (a) certify accredited members of the Chap Assembly; (b) implement, execute and enforce the objectives and goals of the League; (c) render annual report before the end of January of each year to the Chap Assembly; (d) sign contracts, agreements, acts and deeds, for and in behalf of the Chap Assembly with the concurrence of the Officers of the League; (e) preside over meetings of the Officers of the League and the meetings of the Chap Assembly; (f) represent SLAAP in public functions and gatherings; (g) sit and take part in all committee meetings of the League; (h) appoint the chairpersons of the Standing and Ad Hoc Committees; (i) actively seek linkages with different existing organizations in the campus, the administration and the alumni of the League for the purposes of recognition and support; (j) have veto power when deemed necessary to be directly overridden by a two-third (2/3) of the existing quorum of the Chap Assembly; (k) directly supervise and administer the day to day work of the organization; (l) coordinate plans and schedules of the activities of all the committees; and (m) perform other functions as may be assigned to him/her by the Chap Assembly. (2) The President shall have the following qualifications: (a) S/He must be an active member of the League; (b) S/He must have at least one year residency in SLAAP prior to the election; (c) S/He should not belong to the top three positions of other groups in the University i.e. the president, vice-president, secretary and their equivalent positions; (d) S/He must excel academically and exhibit strong leadership and organizational skills. Section7. The Vice-President for Internal Affairs (1) The vice-president for internal affairs shall be the next highest elected officer of the League. As such, s/he shall: (a) assist the president in the latter’s internal functions; (b) in case of the permanent incapacity, resignation or suspension from office, hold the position as acting president until the next election of the officers of the League; (c) prepare activities that will stimulate and enliven the regular and special meetings; (d) automatically be the focal person to head the internal activities of SLAAP such as Quiz Bowls, Orientation Programs, Friendship Games and SLAAP Night; and (e) perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President and the Chap Assembly. (2) The vice-president for internal affairs shall have the following qualifications: (a) s/he must be an active member; (b) s/he must have at least one year residency in SLAAP prior to the election; (c) s/he should not belong to the top three positions of other groups; (d) s/he must excel academically and exhibit strong leadership and organizational skills. Section8. The Vice-President for External Affairs (1) The vice-president for external affairs shall: (a) assist the president in the latter’s external functions; (b) automatically be the focal person for external press releases with regards to the activities or programs of the league such as SLAAP Quiz Bowl, Orientation Programs, SLAAP SASE Review, Friendship Games and Annual Quill:Cremé de la Cremé; (c) initiate programs that will enhance the overall standing of the League in the academe; and (d) perform such other functions as may be assigned by the president and the Chap Assembly. (2) The vice-president for external affairs shall have the following qualifications: (a) s/he must be an active member; (b) s/he must have at least one year residency in SLAAP prior to the election; (c) s/he should not belong to the top three positions of other groups; and (d) s/he must excel academically and exhibit strong leadership and organizational skills. Section9. The Secretary (1) The secretary shall: (a) record and keep the necessary minutes of the Chap Assembly and the Officers of the League; (b) send notice of regular and special meetings of the Chap Assembly and the Officers of the League as may be directed by the president; (c) furnish copies of all publication to the vice-president for external affairs for information dissemination; and (d) perform such other functions as may be assigned by the president and the Chap Assembly. (2) The secretary shall have the following qualifications: (a) s/he must be an active member; (b) s/he must be excellent in written and oral communications; and (c) s/he must be academically excellent with strong leadership and organizational skills. Section10. The Treasurer (1) The treasurer shall: (a) be responsible for the safe-keeping and financial management of the funds of the organization; (b) receive, disburse funds of the League under the authority of the president or the Chap Assembly: (c) Issue official receipts for any sum of money received by him/her in behalf of the League; (d) in cooperation with the president of SLAAP, shall recommend schemes to generate funds for the organization and shall ensure the collection of monthly dues from the members; (e) keep the book of accounts of the League; (f) render financial reports during meetings of the Chap Assembly and Officers of the League; and (g) perform such other functions as may be assigned by the president or the Chap Assembly. (2) the treasurer shall have the following qualifications: (a) s/he must be an active member; and (b) s/he must be academically excellent. Section11. The Auditor (1) The auditor shall: (a) examine and audit periodically the books of the League, its assets and liabilities, and require the production of the supporting documents; (b) inform the officers of the league immediately of the transaction inimical to the League, and do such acts or propose such measures that shall protect the interest of the league; and (c) perform such other functions as may be assigned by the president or the Chap Assembly. (2) The auditor shall have the same qualifications to that of the treasurer as stipulated in this Constitution and By-Laws. Section12. The Property Custodian (1) the property custodian shall: (a) take custody and control over properties of the League; (b) receive and dispose properties of the League under the authority of the president and the Chap Assembly; (c) develop programs for the proper safe-keeping and management of the SLAAP properties and keep inventories of the properties of the League, (d) be held responsible for any loss or damage of any SLAAP property (e) officially turn-over all properties under his/her custody to the successor five (5) days after the end of his tenure; and (f) perform such other functions as may be assigned by the president and the Chap Assembly. (2) the property custodian shall have the following qualifications: (a) s/he must be an active member; (b) s/he must be academically excellent; (c) s/he must be a resident of the university but in the absence of this requirement. this provision may be ignored ARTICLE VII STANDING COMMITTEES Section1. The Standing Committees are: (1) Committee on Education, Human Resource and Development; (2) Committee on Finance and Logistics; (3) Committee on Culture and Sports; (4) Committee on Campaigns and Lobby; (5) Committee on Membership and Organizing; (6) Committee on Legislation, Revision of Laws and Constitutional Amendments; (7) Committee on Investigation and Accountability Section2. The Chap Assembly shall create other committees as it may deem necessary. Section3. The functions of the Standing Committees are: (1)Education, Human Resource and Development Committee (EHRDC) (a) It shall be responsible for the research work and discussion papers and others on issues affecting the League. (b) It shall be responsible in sponsoring the launching of popular education programs in line with its function and task. (2) Finance and Logistics Committee (FLC) (a) It shall be responsible for the financial and logistical requirements and management of the organization. (b) It shall be responsible for the income-raising activities and for the collection of fees and other contributions and donations. (c) It shall have direct access with the treasurer. (d) It shall initiate the generation of technical and material support and shall conduct its inventory from time to time. (3) Culture and Sports Committee (CSC) (a) It shall be responsible on creating a cultural and sports program to be duly approved by the Chap Assembly. (b) It shall be responsible on holding sports activities with other existing student organizations in the university. (4) Campaigns and Lobby Committee (CLC) (a) It shall coordinate and synchronize the campaigns of the organization. (b) It shall actively lobby for issues concerning the League in the Supreme Student Government (SSG), ARCSO and other concerned organization. (c) It shall coordinate the different lobby efforts of the other organizations. (5) Membership and Organizing Committee (MOC) (a) It shall be responsible for the management and organizing or expansion of the organization’s membership which includes planning of the orientation and screening program. (b) It shall keep detailed records of the organization’s membership and must be in close coordination with the secretary. (6) Legislation, Revision of Laws and Constitutional Amendments Committee (LRCAC) (a) It shall obtain pertinent legislations affecting the youth and the League and disseminate the same to the members of the League. (b) It shall formulate proposed legislation, resolution and the like for submission to the offices concerned. (c) It shall hear, consolidate, and sponsor on the floor all proposed amendments to or revision of the SLAAP Constitution and By-Laws. (d) It shall conduct committee hearings to determine the veracity of the proposed amendment or revisions. (7) Investigation and Accountability Committee (IAC) (a) It shall cause the investigation of erring members and the officers of the League and recommend to the Chap Assembly for adoption and implementation of the sanctions that may be imposed. Section4. The committee chairpersons and members shall be appointed by the president with the concurrence of the Officers of the League, provided however that the committee chairperson shall head only one committee. Section5. Each committee shall be composed of a chairperson and three (3) members. The members shall elect from among themselves the vice-chairperson and the secretary. Three (3) members of the committee, including the chairperson, shall constitute the quorum. Section6. The selection for membership in the committee shall be upon the discretion of the president based upon the principle of proximity. ARTICLE VIII QUORUM AND DECISION-MAKING Section1. Quorum In all meetings, sessions or assemblies, committees of the League, a simple majority of the active members shall be sufficient to constitute a quorum. Section2. All occasions in the different bodies of the organization shall be in resolution or policy decision. Section3. Voting Where a consensus is not possible, the vote of a simple majority of all active members present there being a quorum shall be necessary to adopt and/or approve a motion or resolution. A majority vote shall be equal to render any election valid and legitimate. Section4. In the Officers of the League and in the Chap Assembly, an officer or a member is only allowed to one vote. ARTICLE IX DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Section1. Any SLAAP member may be disciplined, suspended, or removed from membership on any of the following grounds: (1) disloyalty to the Student League for Academic Advancement and Progress (SLAAP); (2) culpable violation of the SLAAP Constitution and By-Laws; (3) dishonesty, oppression, misconduct, gross negligence, or dereliction of duties and responsibilities; (4) scholastic delinquency; (5) commission of any offense involving moral turpitude against a fellow member; (6) unauthorized absence for nine (9) consecutive regular meeting; and (7) such other grounds as may be provided by this Constitution and By- Laws. Section2. In addition to the above-mentioned grounds, the officers of the League may be disciplined, suspended, or removed from office on the following grounds: (1) failure to call/hold, for the president or attend, for the officers, regular officer’s meeting for at least three (3) consecutive times; (2) for the president and the treasurer, failure to submit annual reports to the authorities as provided herein; and (3) for the president, failure to act on verified complaints against any other officer or member of the Chap Assembly within the prescribed period of time. Section3. A verified complaint against any erring president or officer of the League for his/her disciplinary action shall be initiated only by the member of a League and shall be prepared as follows: (1) A verified complaint against the president or any officer of the League shall be filed before the Investigation and Accountability Committee (IAC); and (2) notices of the complaint shall be furnished to the active SLAAP advisers throughthe secretary. In the case the secretary is the subject of complaint, any officer may discharge this function as authorized by the president or the Chap Assembly. The above-mentioned authority to whose office a verified complaint is filed shall convene the members of the League in the place where they usually convene in order to hear, investigate and decide the complaint filed against its president or any officer of the League. The said authority headed by the committee chairperson shall preside throughout the whole duration of the investigation when the president is being complained. However, the president shall preside throughout the whole duration of the investigation in the case of other officers being complained. Section4. A verified complaint against any erring member of the League shall be filed against any erring member of the League for the latter’s disciplinary action, shall be initiated also by only a member of the League and shall be prepared as follows: (1) A verified complaint against any member of the League shall be filed before the Office of the President and to the Investigation and Accountability Committee (IAC); and (2) notices of the complaint shall be furnished to the active SLAAP advisers through the secretary of the League or to through the IAC secretary. The president to whose office a complaint is filed against any of the members shall convene the League in their usual place of gathering to hear, investigate and decide the said complaint. The concerned authority shall preside throughout the whole duration of the investigation. Section5. The complainant and the respondent shall be inhibited from voting but shall not be prejudiced with their right to participate in the process of deliberation. Section6. Any officer or member of the League may be disciplined, suspended or removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) votes of all the active members of the League, provided however that the complainant and the respondent shall be excluded in the determination of the required number of votes. Section7. Within five (5) days after the verified complaint is filed, the concerned authority to whose office such a complaint is filed shall require the respondent to submit his verified answer within five (5) days from receipt thereof, and commence the investigation of the case within five (5) days after receipt of such answer of the respondent. Non- submission of a verified answer within the aforesaid period is tantamount to the waiving of his/her right to present his/her side in writing. Section8. The League has to exhaust all efforts to bring the wayward member back into the fold before embarking on the termination proceedings within the investigation period. Section9. (1) The investigation of the case shall be terminated within sixty (60) days from the start thereof. Within fifteen (15) days after the end of the investigation, the Chap Assembly shall render a decision, which shall appear in its record of proceedings and such shall be furnished to the respondent and all the interested parties. (2)The penalty of suspension shall not exceed the unexpired term of the respondent as an officer or a period of six (6) months for every offense, nor shall said penalty be a bar to the candidacy of the respondent so suspended to any elective office as long as he meets the qualification required for the office. (3) The rights enjoyed by the suspended chap shall be temporarily removed within the period stipulated by the chap assembly as a consequence of his suspension. (4) The penalty of removal from office as a result of said investigation shall be considered a bar to the candidacy of the respondent to any elective office. (5) The penalty of termination of membership as a result of said investigation shall be considered final and irrevocable which means that the member being penalized must go back to the third phase of the screening process if s/he hopes to be readmitted in the League. Section10. The trial against an officer or any member of the League shall proceed as follows: (1) A prosecution team and a defense team are to be created which are composed of three (3) members each. (2) The prosecution team will be headed by the Investigation and Accountability Committee (IAC) chairperson and s/he is free to choose two (2) other members from the committee to become members of the prosecution team. (3) The defense team will be a panel of lawyers selected by the respondent from the Chap Assembly. These lawyers must be headed by a senior chap. (4) A minimum of three (3) and a maximum of nine (9) hearings right after the pre-investigation will be conducted during regular and special meetings as deemed to be necessary. No hearing shall proceed in the absence of a quorum of the Chap Assembly. (5) In instances that the chap in question failed to come to the proceedings without prior notice provided he has been duly notified af the said proceedings shall be considered guilty of the allegation. Section11. Decisions in the above-mentioned complaints may, within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof, be appealed to the following: (1) The Office of the President and IAC, in the case of members and officers of the League other than the president, and only appealable in the last instance with Chap Assembly, who shall act within thirty (30) days upon receipt thereof whose decisions shall be final and executory, provided however that failure of the Chap Assembly to act on such appeal within the prescribed period renders the previous decision of the League final and irrevocable. (2) The IAC, in the case of the president as respondent, and only available in the last instance with the Chap Assembly, who shall act with this appeal within thirty (30) days upon receipt thereof, whose decision shall be final and executory, provided however that failure of the Chap Assembly to act on such appeal within the prescribed period renders the previous decision of the League final and irrevocable. Section12. In the event that more than two (2) officers or members of the League are the respondents, the complaint shall be filed, heard, investigated and decided upon by the discretion of the League. The procedure of appeal shall also be in accordance with what is mentioned herein. Section13. Respondents who are acquitted should create a program or activity that will strengthen the bonds among members or will fulfill at least one of the objectives of the League. ARTICLE X RECALL Section1. The power of recall for loss of confidence shall be exercised only by the regular members of the League. Section2. (1) Any elected official may be the subjects of the recall election during his/her term of office fir the loss of confidence. (2) The recall shall not take place within the two months from the date of the official assumption to office or two months immediately preceding regular officer’s of the League Election. Section3. (1) Recall of any officer of the league shall be validly initiated upon petition of at least 50% of the total number of active members. (2) The IAC shall have a period of not less than five (5) days nor more than fifteen (15) days for the publication of the petition, the purpose of which is to verify the authenticity and genuineness of the petition and the required percentage of votes. Section4. The official sought to be recalled shall automatically considered as duly registered to the pertinent position and like other candidates, shall be entitled to be voted upon. Section5. The recall of an elected official shall be effective only upon the election and proclamation of a successor in the person of the candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast during the recall election. Should the official sought to be recalled received the highest number of votes, confidence in him/her is thereby affirmed, and s/he shall continue in office. Section6. The elective official sought to be recalled shall not be allowed to resign while the recall process is in progress. ARTICLE XI SUCCESSION AND FILLING UP OF VACANCIES Section1. In case the president of the League voluntarily resigns, dies, is permanently incapacitated, is removed from office or has been absent without leave for more than three (3) consecutive months, the vice-president for internal affairs shall automatically assume the office for the unexpired portion of the term, and shall discharged the powers and duties and enjoys the right and privileges appurtenant to the office. Special election shall be held to elect the vice-president for internal affairs. Section2. In the case of vacancies of the position other than the president, special elections shall be held to elect the new officer(s). ARTICLE XII AMENDMENTS Section1. The provisions may be amended, revised, altered or repealed by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the votes of all active members of the Chap Assembly in a meeting duly called for the purpose. Section2. Members calling for the amendment, revision or alteration of some provision of this Constitution and By-Laws must file a verified comment for the purpose to the Legislation, Revision of Laws and Constitutional Amendments Committee (LRCAC). Section3. The LRCAC shall have ten (10) days to verify the substance of the said call for amendment, revision or alteration and determine the required fraction of votes for the amendment proceedings to proceed. Section4. The LRCAC shall convene the Chap Assembly through the president of the league for the purposes of amendment, revision or alteration of this Constitution and By-Laws. ARTICLE XIII EFFECTIVITY This Constitution and By-Laws has been duly approved by the Chap Assembly on the 24th of January, 2007 at Antonio Isidro Hall Lobby, Mindanao State University Main-Campus, Marawi City, Philippines. Any amendments to this constitution and By-Laws shall take effect upon ratification by the Chap Assembly.

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